Wahaj Tarin Biography

Wahaj Tarin Biography

Ustadh Wahaj Tarin is a remarkable individual who has excelled in both the fields of engineering and education. He graduated as an extraction metallurgist and also holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration. However, his true passion lies in faith-based education, which has led him to become one of the most respected figures in the Islamic community.

Dean of Students at the Australian Islamic College

Ustadh Wahaj Tarin’s dedication and passion for Islamic education led him to become the Dean of Students at the Australian Islamic College. In this role, he has made significant contributions to the development and growth of the institution. His ability to connect with students, inspire them, and guide them towards achieving their goals has made him a popular figure among the student body.

President of Islamic Motivations

Apart from his role as the Dean of Students, Ustadh Wahaj Tarin is also the President of Islamic Motivations. The organization is dedicated to promoting Islamic values and inspiring people to lead a fulfilling life in accordance with Islamic teachings. Ustadh Wahaj’s leadership skills have helped the organization grow and reach a wider audience, and he has become a role model for many.

Conductor of Weekly Halaqas

Ustadh Wahaj Tarin’s commitment to Islamic education goes beyond his professional responsibilities. He conducts weekly Halaqas, where he shares his knowledge and insights on various topics related to Islam. His ability to connect with his audience and deliver meaningful lectures has earned him a reputation as a knowledgeable and inspiring speaker.

Prolific Khateeb

Ustadh Wahaj Tarin is also known for his inspiring Khutbahs (Friday sermons). His eloquence and ability to connect with the audience have made his Khutbahs popular among the community. He has a unique way of delivering his message, which resonates with people and inspires them to become better Muslims.

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A Highly Rated Dean and Teacher

Ustadh Wahaj Tarin’s exceptional skills as a teacher and dean have earned him high praise from his peers. According to his colleagues, Ustadh Wahaj has a rating of 4.6 out of 5, which is greater than the Australian average of 4.06. This is a testament to his dedication and hard work in the field of education.


Ustadh Wahaj Tarin is a multifaceted professional who has made significant contributions to the field of Islamic education. As the Dean of Students at the Australian Islamic College, the President of Islamic Motivations, and a conductor of weekly Halaqas, he has inspired and guided many people on their journey towards becoming better Muslims. His exceptional skills as a teacher and leader have earned him high praise and made him a role model for many.

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